
In 2019 we awarded $1,373,335 in grants matched by local churches to help establish 136 new innovative, grass-roots ministries mostly in the largest urban centers of the world.

As our name implies, the Mustard Seed Foundation provides seed funding for small startup projects primarily to churches around the world. We seek to partner with local congregations that identify, equip, and support their members who are called to specific areas of ministry in the Church and society. We look for initiatives that offer innovative approaches to church-based ministries.

Mustard Seed seeks to help launch projects through its grants as a minority partner, providing funds over a limited time period, and in a way that encourages self-sufficiency and reliance on indigenous church support. We consider local church accountability and financial support to be primary indicators of the priority and integrity of a particular project and key to its long-term sustainability. All of the funds given as grants are matched by funds from local churches connected to the projects.

The Foundation recognizes the unique challenges and opportunities faced by urban churches. As the world rapidly urbanizes, we believe that investing in churches located in large cities to be particularly strategic. The Foundation awards most grants in the largest urban centers of the world.

Mustard Seed awards grants to a wide variety of projects. We typically fund initiatives that share the gospel with non-Christians (outreach), generate income and economic decision-making opportunities to poorer Christians (empowerment), or equip Christians to better proclaim and demonstrate the gospel (discipleship).