Harvey Fellows Program

In 2021 the Foundation invested $335,092 in support of 27 graduate students preparing to enter strategic vocations in academia, the arts, and the marketplace. We were privileged to award 9 new fellowships to an extraordinary group of graduate students from around the world.

The Mustard Seed Foundation initiated the Harvey Fellows Program in 1992 to mark, equip, and encourage followers of Jesus Christ who seek to actively integrate their faith and vocations as leaders in strategic occupations where Christians appear to be underrepresented. This idea grew from our understanding of God as Creator and Redeemer, not only of human beings, but also of society's disciplines and structures. Our desire is to identify, prepare, and celebrate this generation's Josephs, Lydias, Daniels, and Esthers - Christians who will assume positions of leadership and influence in society. The Harvey Fellowship includes a stipend of $16,000 that may be renewed for up to two additional years. The award is given to outstanding students enrolled at a premier graduate degree program and is therefore very competitive. Harvey Fellows typically attend schools considered by professionals to be among the top five globally in a given subject area or specialty.

The Harvey Fellows Advisory Board (HFAB) was created in 1998 to help the foundation select new Fellows and offer advice into the program as requested. It has also initiated some of its own programs like a prayer network, mentoring, regional gatherings and a newsletter aimed and helping Fellows stay connected.

In early 2019 MSF awarded a 5-year $250,000 grant to allow the HFAB to establish a new entity to take over the vision of the Harvey Fellowship as MSF makes plans to sunset at the end of 2023. The new entity is called 28twelve Foundation and is led by an interim executive director, Kristen Gustavson (HF 2004).

In February, 2021 Mustard Seed Foundation selected its final group of nine Fellows. 28twelve selected its first cohort of fellows in February, 2022.

2021 Harvey Fellows

Promise Adebayo-Ige
PhD - Nuclear
University of Tennessee,

Wai Cheng
MBA/MA - Business &
International Studies
University of Pennsylvania

Helena Kerr (Brazil)
MA - Fashion
Akademie Mode & Design
(Berlin, Germany)

Nathan Marshall
PhD -
UC San Diego

Abby Lemert
JD - Law
Yale University

Brenda Onguti (Kenya)
DPH - Public Health
Harvard University

Nicholas Pang
PhD - Sociology
Columbia University

Emily Wenger
PhD - Computer Science
University of Chicago

Wanzaozi (Abby) Yang
Harvard University