Theology of Work

In 2022 we awarded 35 Theology of Work (TOW) grants totaling $284,822 to seminaries and ministries in 13 countries. These grants enabled the training of a total of 7,720 seminarians, clergy and lay leaders in the theory, principles and practices associated with cultivating a strong theology of work that brings the same sense of calling to one's work in the world as one's work within the Church.

The Theology of Work grant program was established in 2007. The aim of this special grant initiative is to enable theological institutions and training organizations worldwide to instruct seminarians, pastors, and educators in a biblical basis of a theology of work. It is our desire to see those trained through our grants begin teaching and modeling this theological concept in their own churches and ministries. This theological understanding empowers lay people to infuse their Christian faith in the institutions, structures, and industries in which they work throughout the week.

TOW grants are awarded to theological institutions; both formal and non-formal, to create and offer courses that teach students a theology of work. The institutions are encouraged to integrate this theology into their core curriculum to continue to teach the course after the grant-funded classes are completed.

Access to the grant program is made possible through the International Theology of Work Grant website (, including resources that can be downloaded.

Theology of Work: Grant Recipients 2022

Act Bible School
Nairobi, KENYA

Action Regionale de Development Integre (ARDI)
Bujumbura, BURUNDI

Africa Nazarene University
Nairobi, KENYA

Angaza Charity Foundation
Kapsabet, KENYA

Baptist College of Theology
Igede Ekiti, NIGERIA

Baptist Theological Seminary, Eku

Brilliance Family Welfare
Kigali, RWANDA

Bulpa-Builder's Path Africa
Accra, GHANA

Center for Transformational Leadership

Champions Theological Institute
Berekum-Sunyani, GHANA

Christian Integrated Ministries Health Initiatives
Kampala, UGANDA

Daystar University
Nairobi, KENYA

Eastern Uganda Baptist Association
Bugiri, UGANDA

Ebenezer Spiritual Center
Masasi, Mtwara, TANZANIA

Empower a Child Tanzania
Morogoro, TANZANIA

Episcopal Church of South Sudan-Maridi Diocese

Equipping Bibles Association
Soroti, UGANDA
$11,250 (2 grants)

Ezra Rural Ministry Bible School
Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA

Global Link Afrika
Kampala, UGANDA

Mission Purse
Kanda-Accra, UGANDA

Nelliac Nkatha Self Help Group
Njoro-Egerton Town, TANZANIA

Oldonyosambu Theological College of North Central Diocese, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania

Pambazuko La Maendeleo Kiteto (PAMAKI)
Kiteto, Manyara, TANZANIA

Seventh Day Baptist General Conference
Janesville, WI

Share Burden International
Accra-North, GHANA

Sonya Undugu Initiative Foundation
Nairobi, KENYA
$31,550 (3 grants)

Square Ministries Africa
Kampala, UGANDA

St. John's University of Tanzania

St. Paul's University
Limuru, KENYA

Tanzania Assemblies of God - Logindo

Theology of Work Ministry
Accra, GHANA

Women Development Ministry
Accra, GHANA

Word of Life Mission
Nairobi, KENYA

TOW Sunset Conference

TOW Website Development